169 results
€22016 Government of India One Rupee banknote
€2Sri Lanka Banknote 1 Rupee
€310 Rupees Banknote of India - Mahatma Gandhi
€2Banknote - Nepal 5 Rupees
€21994-1998 Indian 5 rupees
€3Rare Banknote- Sri Lanka 100 Rupees
€14CEYLON 2. Rupees. 1979 Pick 83a ( Uncirculated )
€8CEYLON 2. Rupees. 1974. Pick 72a ( Uncirculated )
€6CEYLON 5 Rupees. 1982 Pick 91a ( Uncirculated )
€12CEYLON 5 Rupees. 1971 Pick 73b( Uncirculated )
€14CEYLON 5 Rupees. 1979 Pick 84a. ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 20 Rupees. 2006 Pick 109e ( Uncirculated )
€6Sri Lanka 10 Rupees. 1987. Pick 96a ( Uncirculated )
€30CEYLON 10 Rupees. 1979 Pick 85a. ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 10 Rupees. 2005 Pick 108e ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 20 Rupees. 2010 Pick 123a ( Uncirculated )
€13Sri Lanka 20 Rupees. 1990 Pick 97 ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 50 Rupees. 2006 Pick 110f ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 50 Rupees. 2010 Pick 124a ( Uncirculated )
€10Sri Lanka 50 Rupees. 1989 Pick 98a ( Uncirculated )
€5Sri Lanka 100 Rupees. 2010 . Pick 125a ( Uncirculated )
€6Sri Lanka 100 Rupees. 2001 . Pick 111b. ( Uncirculated )
€42Sri Lanka 500 Rupees. 1995 scarce . Pick 112a ( Uncirculated )
€16Sri Lanka 1000 Rupees. 2010 Pick 127a ( Uncirculated )
€12Sri Lanka 500 Rupees. 2010 . Pick 126a ( Uncirculated )
€20Sri Lanka 1000 Rupees. 2006. Pick 120 D ( Uncirculated )
€2Nepal Banknote 1 Rupee
€15India 500 Rupees 2008 LOW SERIAL NUMBER. ( uncirculated )
€20India 1,000 Rupees 2008 LOW SERIAL NUMBER. ( uncirculated )
€801835 quarter rupee