43 results
€4New vintage mohair yarn with gold thread
€2Yarn Mohair Alpaca Superfine Purple
€4Yarn Mohair Blue100gr.
€2Yarn Genius Mohair
€3Yarn Mohair Classic Yellow
€3Yarn Mohair Pearl Black
€4Yarn Sale Winter Marsala Red Mohair 100gr.
€3Yarn Mohair Fine Emerald Green
€3Yarn Mohair Alpaca Light Red
€2Yarn Genius Mohair Red, Orange, Brown Shades
€3Yarn Sale Mohair Alpaca Light Light Grey
€3Yarn Sale Mohair Alpaca Light Fuchsia
€3Yarn Sale Mohair Alpaca Light Emerald Green
€3Yarn SuperKid Mohair Comfort Orange
€3Yarn Sale Mohair Alpaca Light Light Water Green
€4New 70%mohair yarn knitting crochet crafts
€5New Wool/mohair yarn knitting crochet crafts
€5New vintage High Society 51% mohair yarn knitting/crochet/crafts
€4New 76%mohair yarn knitting crochet crafts
€7Ice Yarn Kid Mohair Black 50% Mohair 3 Balls SALE
€10Ice Yarns Kilt Mohair Purple Yellow 25% Mohair 25% Wool 8 Balls
€10Ice Yarns Mohair Knots Black Grey Shades 40% Mohair 4 Balls
€5Ice Yarns Kid Mohair Pearl Purple 50% Kid Mohair 2 Balls SALE
€10Ice Yarns Candy Wool Black Grey Shades 15% Mohair 40% Wool SALE
€3New Mohair and cotton yarn
€10Ice Yarns Art Teatro Black Gold 59% Wool 19% Mohair
€660Biggest Wool Lot Yet!! 44+ kgs of white and off-white wool cones!!!
€4New 77% mohair knitting
€4new vintage yarn knitting/crochet/crafts
€3new yarn vintage knitting/crochet/crafts