60 results
€35Celtic Art / Celtic Interest Lot
€35irish celtic art
€20Wooden photo frame, Celtic, Art Nouveau style
€20A family prayer wall plaque irish celtic art
€5Celtic Art Book
€24.99The Celtic Football Club Printed Picture Wall picture 3mm foamex board wall board wall decor wall art picture
€30Failte wall plaque by irish celtic art studios
€18Angela Butler Celtic Artist Stained Glass Art Deco Female
€12Celtic art books
€15Celtic art picture
€20Harp wall plaque irish celtic art
€55Irish Celtic Art Love Blessing Bronze Wall Plaque
€5Celtic Art In Pagan and Christian Times by J. Romilly Allen
€12Art Pottery Celtic Vase
€3Celtic Art Book Marker for Sale
€35Vintage Celtic Beehive Mid Century Art Deco Teapot or Hot Water Pot
€12BOOK SALE ------- Celtic Art - In Pagan and Christian Times - J. Romilly Allen : 1994
€39.99Sega Megadrive 196-in-1 Multi Game Cartridge Flashcart Ram Packed Full of RETRO CLASSICS!
€20REDUCED TO 20 Irish Celtic Art .on Your Engagement New In Box
€39.9920% OFF!! Sega Megadrive 196-in-1 Multi Game Cartridge Flashcart Ram Packed Full of RETRO CLASSICS!
€10Newgrange Collection Celtic Stone Art Photo Frame - New
€45The Historical Atlas of The Celtic World ! RRP 60 Pounds ! Beautiful and Rare Hardcover ! 2010 ! by Cartographica !
€30Irish Celtic art studio wall plaques
€220Irish Artist
€40Early Christian Art In Ireland (Parts I & 2 Combined) by Margaret Stokes (RB50)
€50Vintage Rathbanna Copper plaque by Eddie O'Neill
€115Fabulous Funky Retro Vintage Mid-Century Large Two-Handled Urn Shaped Fat Lava Vase, by UEBELACKER KERAMIK , Shape Number 1810/40, Circa 1960s
€70Bernadette Madden silk scarf
€50Irish Vintage Genesis Cast Bronze 'Diarmuid & Grainne' Fine Arts Sculpture
€10A concise history of Irish Art Book by Bruce Arnold