42 results
€20Railway Sleepers
€60Tetrapanax rex plant
€1x8 copper labels for plants
€15Golden Bamboo Delivery Available
€22Bamboo BlackPearl clumping not invasive
€14Bamboo Asian Wonder red clumping not invasive
€20Bamboo Asian Wonder red clumping
€5Eucalyptus tree
€2Free Large quantity of filling/pencil/rubble
€55Benches with flood trays
€190weed control membrane landscaping gardening
€12Carpet/Fairy Roses
€20Flower Pots
€25Flower pots - Tall standing
€123Top soil topsoil
€30house plant
€25Bamboo clumping Winter joy 5L
€40Bamboo Bissetii
€15Blackpearl bamboo Delivery Available
€40garden net hedge planting insect mesh fruit crop protection
€2Laurel Hedging
€18Bamboos Blackpearl not invaise
€10Hawthorn tree plant 40cm
€15liquidambar tree plant 60cm
€2Box Hedging
€12Artificial Fake Grass - Best Value and Quality - Free Delivery
€6Aeonium Greenovia El Hierro, pink mountain rose
€2Box Hedging
€1ground cover weed control barrier mypex weed mat
FREESpider plant