26 results
€2Irish moil maiden heifers for sale
€1,234Suckler Cows Calves at foot
€620Angus Heifer calves 10 month old
€123PBR Simmental Bull
€1,200Belted Galloway bullocks
€2150 Friesan bulls
€2Pedigree Simmental Heifers for Sale
€1,234Grain roller and buster grain roller
€265Calving Camera
€1,111Bull calfs
€11,111Bull calfs
€1,234Charolais bull
€2Heavy Weanling Bulls Gortatlea Mart Wed 7th Aug
€1,234Limousin bull
€350Angus Calves - Weaned
€2,600Pedigree Angus Bull
€1,234Purebred registered parthenaise bull
€2,500Pedigree Limousin Bull
€1,300Young Dexter Cow and Calf
€1Freshly calved AA heifers
€120Battery Electric Fence Energiser 6Joule-up to 60Km