3,771 results
€202001 Ireland Irish Motorsport Commemorative Stamp Booklet used with FDC Cancel
€82018 Ireland Fauna & Flora: Native Irish Bees Commemorative Stamps Fine Used
€701922-23 Ireland First Definitive Series Low Values (1/2d to 1s) Definitive Stamps Used
€502009 Ireland Christmas Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 16th June 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€102020 Ireland U2: A Celebration Stamp Booklet Fine Used with Dublin Cancel of 15th October 2020
€41981 Ireland & USA (Joint issue) 150th anniversary of James Hoban (Architect of White House, USA) EPA Cover with Washington slogan cancel tying both US and Irish stamp.
€101956 Ireland To Commemorate The unveiling of a Statute to Commodore John Barry , Founder of the US Navy Commemorative Stamps Mint Never Hinged (MNH)
€61939 Ireland US Constitutions (150th Anniversary) Commemorative Stamps Mounted Mint
€172009 Ireland Birth Centenary of Louis Braille Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1A1A Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 23rd January 2009 (Frist day of issue) on envelope extract.
€172009 Ireland Volvo Ocean Race Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine Used with Dublin cancel of 8th May 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€182009 Ireland 50 Year of CEPT Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 24th March 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€272009 Ireland Europa (International Year of Astronomy) Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine Used with Dublin cancel of 15th May 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€21964 Vatican The 500th Anniversary of Nicolaus Cusanus Commemorative Stamps Used on cover to Ireland. Cancel of 16/02/1965
€122019 Ireland Great Irish Songs Commemorative Stamps An Post First Day Cover (FDC). Stamps depict The Cranberries Dreams, Luke Kelly ON Raglan Road, US With or Without You & John McCormack Danny Boy
€502009 Ireland Flora & Fauna: Dragonflies Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 16th December 2009 (First day of issue)
€292009 Ireland Chinese Year of the Ox Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1A1A1A1A Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 23rd January 2009 (Frist day of issue) on envelope extract.
€382001 Ireland Christmas (The Nativity, The Annunciation & Presentation in the Temple) Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1A1A1A1A Fine Used with Dublin CDS cancel of 5th November 2001 (Frist day of issued) on envelope extract.
€202009 Ireland Centenary of the Birrell Land Act (1909) Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 15th July 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€102000 Ireland Oscar Wilde Personalised Stamp pair used on cover to USA
€132008 Ireland 82c Europa (Letter Writing) Commemorative Stamp (block from Sheetlet) Fine Used
€182009 Ireland St Patrick's Day Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1A1A1A1A1A Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 19th February 2019 (Frist day of issue)
€51940 Ireland Use the Telephone Slogan Cancel tying 1/2d sword definitive stamp on plain cover. Date 13th June 1940
€502002 Ireland Introduction of the Euro Currently Commemorative Stamp Sheetlets Plate 1A1A1A1A Fine Used with Dublin CDS cancel of 17th September 2002 (Frist day of issued) on envelope extract.
€232009 Ireland The 250th Anniversary of the Guinness Brewery Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 28th August 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€212009 Ireland 150th Anniversary of the Irish Times Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 27th March 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€212009 Ireland Bicentenary of the Birth of Charles Darwin Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 20th March 2009 (Frist day of issue) on envelope extract
€142009 Ireland The 400th Anniversary of the City of Kilkenny Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine Used with Dublin cancel of 16th June 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€212009 Ireland 400th Anniversary of the Plantation of Ulster Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1B1B1B1B Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 4th September 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€152009 Ireland The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Francis Bacon, 1909-1992 Commemorative Stamp Sheetlet Plate 1A1A1A1A Fine CDS Used with Dublin cancel of 24th April 2009 (Frist day of issue)
€82003 Ireland Irish Mariners Commemorative Stamp Miniature Sheet Fine Used with clear Dublin cancel