House Clearance

House Clearance House Clearance Other Home & Garden

***Price reductions***

Fisher price Teddy and Baby Einstein crib mobile €50 for pair

Fort builder kit €20

Next to Me €50

Chicco table booster seat €10

Baby Bjorn carrier (hardly used) €30

Maxi Cosy Isofix Pearl i-size set car seat €40

Pair of Habitat curtains €20 (66’x90’)

Large Desk €50

Avent steriliser €20

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3 days ago

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5 days
@Sarav333 pending collection today. You’re next up, if it’s not collected today
5 days
Car seat still available?
1 week
Is the sterilizer and high chair still available pls ?
1 week
@Harmony1: €10 OFFER ACCEPTED
Please PM me
1 week
For the car seat stage 1,2,3.
1 week
€35 , Can collect after 3 today.
1 week
How to contact for car seat
1 week
Lots still available
2 weeks
Is car seat available?
2 weeks
For car seat with buckle cushions birth to 7 years please. 40 eur is offer.
2 weeks
Is the car seat in picture 4 that holds the heaviest?
2 weeks
@Kim Scho found the buckle cushions!! You still interested?
3 weeks
@Harmony1 hi, the weight it can hold.
Every Stages goes to 33kg - I believe
Stages to 18kg - I believe
Might be best to check Joie website for clarification
3 weeks
@Kim Scho hi, let me check, I’m sure I have them! I’ll update as soon as I find them
3 weeks
What's the difference between the two seats if ya don't mind me asking?
3 weeks
Will pay the 40 and can collect tomorrow if you have that buckle cushion.
3 weeks
Hi, for the joie stages car seat, there's a cushion that usually goes around the buckle to stop catching babies' skin(fat rolls) in you have that? It's not in the pic.
3 weeks
@Harmony1 hi, apologies for delay life got busy 😅

No the table is stationary, loads of room for baby to sit in
1 month
Sorry for bothering you with questions, interested in highchair too.
Can the table pull out from the highchair for putting in and taking out the infant. Thanks
1 month
@Harmony1 Hi, from website:
Group o+/1/2 car seat
Rearward and forward facing capability
4 recline positions
Suitable from birth to 7 years