Pokemon Go Complete Uncommon Common Set 42 cards
Pokemon GO TCG - Complete Set of All Common/Uncommon Cards - All cards straight out of packs - unused.
*42 Card Bundle*
Below is a list of the cards included.
001/078 - Bulbasaur -
002/078 - Ivysaur
006/078 - Spinarak -
007/078 - Ariados
008/078 - Charmander -
009/078 - Charmeleon
013/078 - Numel -
014/078 - Camerupt
015/078 - Squirtle -
016/078 - Wartortle
019/078 - Slowpoke -
020/078 - Slowbro
021/078 - Magikarp -
025/078 - Wimpod
027/078 - Pikachu -
032/078 - Natu
033/078 - Xatu -
034/078 - Lunatone
036/078 - Onix -
037/078 - Larvitar
038/078 - Pupitar -
039/078 - Solrock
041/078 - Alolan Rattata -
042/078 - Alolan Raticate
044/078 - Steelix -
045/078 - Meltan
051/078 - Chansey -
054/078 - Eevee
056/078 - Aipom -
057/078 - Ambipom
059/078 - Bidoof -
060/078 - Bibarel
061/078 - Pidove -
062/078 - Tranquill
063/078 - Unfezant -
064/078 - Blanche
065/078 - Candela -
066/078 Egg - Incubator
067/078 - Lure Module -
068/078 - Pokestop
069/078 - Rare Candy -
070/078 - Spark
Passage west, rochestown area and cork city centre occassionally Can post at cost.
- Collection
- Delivery
- Post/Courier
- To be arranged
- Cash
- Paypal
- Bank transfer
- To be arranged
5 months ago