Stanton STR8-60 includes Cambridge Amp, Pre-amp and speakers for sale. Perfect condition and ready to go

Stanton STR8-60 includes Cambridge Amp, Pre-amp and speakers for sale. Perfect condition and ready to go Stanton STR8-60 includes Cambridge Amp, Pre-amp and speakers for sale. Perfect condition and ready to go Home Audio

Stanton STR8-60 includes Cambridge Amp, Pre-amp and speakers for sale. Perfect condition and ready to go. Excellent sound quality

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  • To be arranged
  • To be arranged

1 week ago

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Comments & Offers
2 weeks
@joeyaya I tell you what… I’ll sell you the lot for €170 as a one time offer only.
3 weeks
Don't forget if it helps I'll take the deck.
3 weeks
@Dmitry75 hi. It’s cambridge audio a1 integrated amplifier
3 weeks
What are amp specs/model?
3 weeks
@joeyaya 👍
4 weeks
Sorry...valuing the deck at €70 the amount I offered to Cormac for it. I'm sorry the sale didn't happen for all three of us, I was willing to take the chance and buy them all based on shelly buying the rest of the kit from myself.
My offer still stands to Cormas €70 for the deck however I understand why he wants to sell all together.
Thanks for your time guys.
4 weeks
Hi Cormac/Shelly
I was simply trying to purchase the record deck. If you wanted the amp, preamp and speakers I would have gladly passed them to you for €160 valueing
4 weeks
@shelly400 I have no intention on selling them separately until I was asked. Only then I politely engaged with the potential buyer to say same !
4 weeks
I’ve gotten sorted, there was to much messing around going on here. My recommendation to seller is to take detailed pictures and description of each item and sell them separately.
4 weeks
@joeyaya so are you going to buy it and sell the amp/speakers?
4 weeks
I've happy with the difference of €160 from Skelly. You get your full asking price and we all do well. I'll give it a day or two but after that I'll have to sort mine out or buy a deck elsewhere.
4 weeks
Thanks for your efforts Cormac. I would have loved that deck as it means I would have to look for spare parts to get my NAD up and running again.
I could up my offer to €70 if that helps??
4 weeks
Hi Cormac you can send shelly my number if he is interested
4 weeks
@shelly400 no. They’re like they are in photos.
4 weeks
Do you have the fronts for the speakers?
1 month
If shelly400 would PM you I would gladly purchase the whole lot and sell him everything but the deck as i want this.
1 month
@shelly400 can you make a 1e off so we can DM
1 month
@shelly400 sorry for the confusion… I’d just prefer to sell together.
1 month
ah ok,you gave the implication to joeyaya that you would sell him the turntable on its own.

we have had all this the lastime you had this up.
1 month
@shelly400 hi Shelly. I’ll be only selling them together. Sorry