Pierce's of Wexford turnip masher handler
Pierce's of Wexford turnip masher handler
Pierce pulper hander
No cracks or chips,
Shaft D 1" ,
Wall mounted art, wall hangers, pub item, garden planters, flower pot, museum items, Ireland history, pub design, man cave, cafe, upcycling, restaurant layout fitting, pierce special, pierce beet, pierce fan, pierce fire, pierce cutter, pierce pulper, pierce lid, car boot sale, farm machinery, farm equipment, vintage room, johnstown castle items upcycling
Key search words
Vinyl player stand, flower stand, flower table, bed side table, retro style table, upcycled table, pub table, pub deck, cafe bar table, coffee table vintage table, tea room table, hall stand table, bespoke table, TV stand, telephone table, design stand, industrial legs, outdoor dining, picnic table, restaurant table, garden furniture
- Collection
- Cash
4 months ago