WWE Dvd Sets
Looking to sell the following WWE dvds
Price Drop
Looking for quick sale €70 for the lot or any 3 for the price of 2!
Austin 3:16 €8
Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior €8
Stone Cold Truth €8
Shane Michael's from the Vault (2 disc set) €8
Wrestling most incredible Steel Cage Matches (2 disc set) €10 sold
Most powerful families in Wrestling (2disc set)
Ric Flair & the 4 Horsemen (2 disc set)
Brian Pillman loose Cannon (2 disc set)
Eddie Guerrero Cheating Death, Stealing Life (2 disc set) €10 sold
ECW House Party 98 €10 sold
ECW Cyberslam 99 €10 SOLD
Mr Perfect €10 sold
3 disc Sets all €10 each
Chris Jericho
The Rock
Wrestling Highest Flyers
Rise & Fall of WCW
Ultimate Ric Flair
Roddy Piper Story
Ladder Match
Macho Man Ultimate Collection
Rey Mysterio Littest Big Man sold
Eddie Guerrero Viva La Raza (4 discs) sold
Best of Raw 15th Anniversary
Legacy of Stond Cold
Shawn Michaels
Greatest Stars of the 90s
Rey Mysterio life of masked Man sold
Can send more pictures on request, all sets in great condition.
Will do deals if buying multiple sets.
Thanks for looking
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9 months ago