Dolls house accessories - Bath- Bed - room essential
All new items - collectors - 1:12 scale
please offer €1 to pm
Vintage style basin €15
Golden standing mirrors €12 each
Towel rack brown €6 - white €7
Holder for washing basket/ luggage €5
Stove (SOLD)
White tin bath €5 SOLD
Pack with accessories €4
Wall shelf with accessories €5 (white one SOLD)
Wall shelf small €3
Boxed set with accessories €4
Tables with accessories €7
Bathmat €2
Washstand with jug and bowl
Jug and bowls plain white or ornate white €3
White with cherry €4
Pink / gold €5
Large blue gold €6
Pottys €2
Old fashioned Hot water bottle €2
Hipbath €10
Washing machine white / blue €7
Washing machine white €8
Set of handmade bathroom suite + accessories (assorted colors ) €5 (see individual add)
Towlset €2
Toilet brush with holder and toilet roll holder €5
Scale €2
Toothbrush set €3
Brush, comb, mirror €3
Toiletroll (blue,pink or green €1
Toilet roll holder and plunger €3
set: above 2 plus cleaner + tissue box €4
Golden table mirror €5
Perfume bottles from 50c/€1 (see individual add)
First aid suitcase with access €3
Copper bed pan €3
Please check out my other adds for dollhouse furniture and accessories
- Collection
- Post/Courier
- To be arranged
- Cash
- Paypal
- Bank transfer
- To be arranged
1 month ago