Renault Megane 2013 - 130 hp - new NCT 09/25

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Renault Megane 2013 - 130 hp - new NCT 09/25

Dublin 2, Dublin
1.6L Diesel

Renault Megane 1.6 DCI Dynamique TOM 130BHP 5DR 5 seats, Manual, Diesel, Bluetooth connection and GPS map

• Mileage: Low mileage of only 148, 000km.

• NCT Valid: Just passed, valid until September 2025.

• Condition: Excellent maintenance history, perfect for reliable daily use.

Recent Upgrades:

• Brand new 4 tyres.
• New battery installed.
• Recent oil change and full service.

This car is in fantastic condition, both mechanically and cosmetically. Ideal for someone looking for a dependable, fuel-efficient, and well-cared-for vehicle.

Price: €6,200 Open to reasonable offers.

For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact me.

You can adapt the price and contact details based on your situation!

Listed 2 months ago
All Megane